
Experiment 11 [Creepypasta x Reader]

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Bannacat6's avatar

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You sat on the desk's chair, watching the door with thoughtful eyes, your head tilted to the side. I wonder who we'll see. you thought.

There was snicker in your mind, but you ignored the noise, keeping your gaze plastered on the door.

"You could always read their minds, you know. Besides, I'm your conscience, you can trust your conscience."

"Your Insanity, and I don't think its wise to do what a crazy person suggests."

"We're all crazy here, [y/n]."

You did as Insanity suggested and slipped your mind abilities into someone else's thoughts.

I wonder what the girl looks like. Mr. Slenderman wouldn't let me see her when he brought her in. I wonder if we'll be friends. What if she hates me? I hope my nightgown isn't too bloody. Maybe we can be friends! Or, perhaps best friends! Maybe she has knives I can play with! Big sis Jane won't let me close to hers.

You frowned. The thoughts made no sense.

"A little bit deeper, then."

And you did, going further into someone else's mind, their privacy.

My name is Sally. I have brown hair. My best friend is Charlie. He's a possessed teddy bear.

You pulled out of the girl's mind, feeling guilty for having invaded her personal thoughts.

"Meh. I don't believe in guilt." Insanity commented.

You sighed, wishing Fantasy, or maybe Sanity were there for you to talk to.

"You called?"

"Hello again, [y/n]. Reality, say hello."


A sigh.

"Noooooo! There goes the silence."  Insanity joked.

"Shut up, moron."

"You're just jealous because I'm more fun than you."

"Fun. Fun?! You aren't fun you psychotic-"

"Shut up both of you! Sanity, corner. Insanity, stay away from him." Fantasy interrupted.

You laughed quietly. "Hey Reality, what do you have to say?"


"Come on, I know you can speak."


"Fine, be like that."



Sally skipped down the hallway, headed to the newcomer's room, her best friend Charlie walked beside her.

I wonder what her favorite color is. Maybe [f/c]. Sally thought. Oh, look! That's her door!

"Come on Charlie! We're here!"


The sound of a door opening distracted you from the fight going on inside your head. You focused your gaze on the little girl and teddy bear standing in your doorway. The girl wore a pink nightgown, stained with blood.

"Hi!" the girl said, smiling and waving at you. "My name's Sally, this is Charlie."

The teddy bear grunted, and you felt Thomas stiffen beside you. The little dragon leaped off the desk and flew over to pair.

The reptile sniffed Sally's hair, nodded, and moved onto Charlie.

"Oh no. You are not smelling my fur, dragon."

"My name is Thomas."

The stuffed animal snorted. "Yeah, that's really nice, dragon, but I don't care."

Thomas wrinkled his snout. "You aren't very nice."

Charlie shrugged. Thomas flapped back over to you, where he landed back on top the desk and sat down, watching the pair as they entered the room. Eyes trained mostly on Charlie.

You smiled. "My name's [y/n], it's nice to meet you Sally."

The girl smiled as well. "Do you want to play with me?" she asked.

"Of course."

Sally lead you out the room, your creations followed. Thomas stayed near the back with Charlie, and you got the feeling that the dragon didn't like the possessed teddy bear.


"Hey LJ what are you-" Jeff began, but stopped when he saw that Laughing Jack wasn't there, and instead Eyeless Jack..

"Oh, hi Jeff." EJ said, looking up from the cupcakes he was making. "What do you need?"

Jeff eyed the cupcakes warily, seeing a bit of organ sticking out of one. I'm not eating that. he thought. "Just looking for Laughing jack, have you seen him?"

EJ shook his head. "He left a couple minutes ago, said he was going to see the girl Slender brought in."

Jeff groaned. "Slender took her up some stairs. I don't feel like climbing stairs."

Eyeless Jack shrugged and turned back to cooking. "You don't have to talk to LJ." he said.

"But I want to."

"Then stop bitching about it and walk up the stairs." BEN called from the couch.


July 16

Sixteen. Elise was sixteen when she died. Does that make the number lucky, or unlucky?
    I'm in my room right now, for I'm grounded again. I think the grounding is my punishment, for nothing else has happened. Should something else happen? Hmm. I'm not sure. I don't think I knew in the first place.
    I saw aunt May, or, maybe not my aunt. She's having a wedding. How sickening. She was married to my aunt Patricia, you see. I find it wrong that she marries someone else, though, who am I to judge? I just killed two people.
   The man she's marrying is my mom's brother, uncle George. So, she is family still, I guess.
   I wonder if we're invited to the wedding.

From [y/n]

July 23

The wedding's today, and we were invited. However, the letter specifically said 'No non human family members allowed.' I guess that means me. After all, I lost all humanity at the first experiment.
   Well, guess what. Mother told me I'm not going to the wedding. Hurray! Maybe now we'll have less 'accidents' at this party.

From [y/n]

July 25

Bad news. I can't find Red or Juliette. I hope they didn't sneak into the wedding like I think. If they did, well, I hope they have enough graves for the bodies.
   I don't understand. Why do my creations want to kill? I don't think I created them like that. But then again, I made them when I had abnormal memory, so, I should remember. Oh well, it's turning night, and I'm too tired to go rummaging around in my memories.

From [y/n]

July 26

I just realized something. I'm home alone. Clarice is searching the house for Red and Juliette as I write this. I think looking for them is a waste of time. You see, I went into their minds and found that they are, in fact, at the wedding, and that there will be some deaths. I suppose I could stop them, use telepathy and order them to leave, or teleport there and do the same thing.
  But what's the fun in that?

From [y/n]

July 27

I'm going to practice being a siren today. Oh look! There's a little girl walking by. I wonder if she'll like my song.
   The girl died. She walked out into the street and a car hit her. I guess its my fault.
   Hey, what's a fire truck doing at a car crash? Oh, right, they're first responders. Hmm, now the police come, and look! An ambulance! Why, they're all here. I hope the ambulance came for the person driving the car and not the girl. She's dead.

From [y/n]

July 28

The girl was in the news today. Her name was Bailey Davidson. She walked right out into the car's path, like she wanted to get hit. They say she committed suicide.
   I know better.

From [y/n]
Yeah, so, Reality doesn't talk much, does he?

Reality: Big Fool Emoji-24 (No words) [V4] 

Insanity: Speak man! the hell?  Do it for me OuO Emoticon 

Chapter 12
© 2014 - 2024 Bannacat6
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Daimonddiva99's avatar
Me: SHUT up insanity, and reality JOU Need too talk more
reality:........((whispering)) shut up insanity
me&insanity: HE SPOKE(le gasp)
me&insanity: 😓